Welcome to KRAGS

Do you play Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Lord of the Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Necromunda, Bloodbowl, Malifaux or any table top game or roleplay game?
Join us
Friday Nights - 7:30 - 11:00pm
Wellard Pavillion.
First visit free
Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a veteran, KRAGS wants to hear from you!
For more information contact - kragenerals@yahoo.com.au

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

battle lines 2011

Do you have a new army for 2011 ?... A old one that needs to be finished or fixed up (glammed up)? Are new to Warhammer 40k ? A Vetern trying to hoan your skills.... If the answer is yes to any of these thing then we have the answer for you!

Front Line 2011
A Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League, Presented by KRAGS

During the coarse of 2011 KRAGS is running a Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League. Our goal is to get new players learning the rules and inspire veteran players to build and paint a new army or posibly finish that old one still on the shelf. Every 6 weeks will be a new and exicting time with newly painted and expanding armies being sent to war. Hoan your skills,clean your weapons because the Front Line awaits! During the course of the league armies will be built and painted scoring points for
generalship and painting,all cilmaxing in a tournament for your Newly created army!

Pentacad Once a planet close to the Cadian Gate, with bountiful resources, this once imperial hive world slipped into the warp 5000 of year ago. With its sudden re emergence back into real space, the world is ripe for the taking... Will the imperial cleanse the world and take back what was once theirs. Will Hordes of orks
descend upon this mineral rich plant....? Or will we find this world overrun with Chaos....

Each round will be 6 weeks long and you will be required to play 1 pre assigned game by at least week 5 or have it arranged to play in week 6.

Armies will be built in increments of 250 points per 6 weeks.
Starting Roster 500 pts starts Febuary 4
First Increment 750 pts starts March 11
Second increment 1000 pts starts 22 April
Third Increment 1250 pts starts 3 June
Fourth Increment 1500 pts 15 July
Final Increment 1750 pts starts 14 August
Tournament for 1750 on. TBA

New players may join at end point (note that your first point scoring game will be in the "next" increment and you will be required to have the correct size force for that stage. Games will be allocated on the 6th week of each round.
All models must be painted in at least three colours on the model. No bare metal, no bare plastic, no basecoat-only models to obtain you’re Painting points for the stage. You will either need to bring your painted list or post pictures of it by the first week of each stage for validation.

You are encouraged to play as many games as you can during the month, though only the official game will count for points.
All Rosters must be in for the next stage by the 6th week of each Increment. Rosters may change between Increments. For example the units from the 500-point list do not have to be used in 750-point list. ( Note you will still be required to have painted model for any changes you make so big changes will require a big painting effort!.)

You will need to make yourself available to play at least once every 6 weeks at KRAGS.If you can’t you may arrange to play outside the club, however if an arrangement cant be made by the 5th week you will either need to attend on the 6th week to play or forfeit this increments game. (This will count a win for your opponent)

We encourage you to post battle reports in the KRAGS forums of Westgamer.com

Detailed Rules for 500 Point armies.
The 500-point army will be restricted to the following
Armies cannot exceed 500 points.
You must have at least one Troops choice.
You may have one HQ choice, but no more than one.
You can spend no more than 65 points on Wargear and/or Vehicle Upgrades.
HQ Characters may have a Maximum of 3 wounds.
No non HQ model can have more than 2 Wounds.
No Special Characters.
No 2+ or better saves.
No vehicles may have an armour value of greater than 33 (Front + Side + Rear).
No Ordance weapons.
You may spend your remaining points from anywhere in the Codex using the Standard Force Organization Chart.

Games played at the 500-point level will be played using the Combat Patrol Mission on page 183 of the 4th ed Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.

Detailed Rules for 750+ Point armies
The remainder of each 250-point block level will be constructed using the standard Warhammer 40,000 rules, and the Standard Force Organization Chart. There are no restrictions on Characters, Vehicles, etc, except as noted in the Warhammer 40K Codex’s.

Points Scoring
Points are awarded each month for both painting and winning games.
4 points - Having a fully painted roster (any unpainted models will result in a 0 for the Increment.)
5 points - Winning assigned game
4 points - Drawing assigned game
3 point - Losing assigned game

Prizes will be awarded for:
Best General (top of the leader board)
Best Overall (Including points from painting, general ship and the final tournament.)
Golden Goblin Painters Award as judged but you fellow players.

Hakon on Westgamer
KRAGS-Committee Member

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